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Dr Abhay Bhave

Dr. Abhay Bhave

Dr. Abhay Bhave, a seasoned hematologist in Bandra West, boasts nearly three decades of invaluable experience. Renowned for his precision in both diagnosis and treatment, he holds degrees in M.B.B.S and M.D from the esteemed Lokmanya Tilak Municipal Medical College. Dr. Bhave further enhances his expertise with advanced training in hematology, ensuring comprehensive care for his patients. His dedication to advancing the field and providing compassionate healthcare sets him apart as a leader in hematology.


  • MBBS and MD from the Lokmanya Tilak Municipal Medical College


  • Senior Consultant, Gleneagles Hospital, Mumbai – July 1997 to February 2000
  • Registrar at Department Of Hematology, Westmead Hospital, Sydney, Australia – April 1995 to April 1997  
  • Registrar, Department Of Hematology, Sultan Qaboos University Hospital in Muscat, Oman – August 1993 to August 1994
  • Registrar, Department Of Clinical Pathology, Christian Medical College & Hospital, Vellore, India – August 1994 to February 1995
  • Registrar, Department Of Hematology, Christian Medical College & Hospital, Vellore, India – July 1992 to July 1993
  • Registrar, Department Of Hematology, Medical College & Hospital, Vellore, India – February 1991 to September 1991
  • Registrar, Department Of Respiratory Medicine, Lokmanya Tilak Municipal Medical College – Present

Awards and Recognitions

  • Member of ICMR Task Force for National Guidelines for Myelodysplastic syndrome
  • Member of National Guidelines for Deep Venous thrombosis
  • Member for Newer anticoagulants guidelines
  • Member for Board of studies of IMA Mumbai West
  • Chairperson of Lions Club of Mumbai Carter road for Cancer Detection and Treatment
  • Ekta Manch awardee for community service 2007
  • Several National and International publications


Dr. Abhay Bhave has 40 published articles in national and international journals some of them few are –


  1. Low dose activated factor IX complex concentrates (FEIBA) for post-operative haemostasis in a patient with high responding factor VIII inhibitors. A Bhave, A.Srivastava,V.Lee,A.J. Daniel,D.Dennison. Haemophilia: 1995; 1:274-276.
    2. Fatal Corynebacterium Jeikeium Infection in a bone marrow transplant recipient. V.Sintchenko, A.Bhave and E.Sugo. Inoculum: Vol6; No5: Sept-Oct 1997; 5-6.
    3. Disseminated Nocardiosis in a bone marrow transplant recipient with chronic GVHD. A.Bhave, K.Thirunavukkarasu and K.Bradstock. Bone Marrow Transplantation, 23, 1999, 519-521.
    4. Partitioning of complement factor H after preparation of cryoprecipitate and cryosupernate from homologous fresh frozen plasma (FFP) Ribeiro A, Hutchings A, Bhave A, Papdopoulos D, Tziliopolous T, Peake P,Dean M. Paper and Abstract published in 10th Regional congress of the International Society of Blood Transfusion, Western Pacific Region, November 1999.
    5. 5 alpha globin chain variants identified during screening for haemoglobinopahthy. Nair S, Nadfkarni A, Warang B, Bhave A, GhoshK, Colah R. European journal of Clinical Investigations. 2010 vol40 page 226-32


  1. J. Spinal Surg.; 2011 October 3(2):676-679 Long term prognosis in solitary plasmacytoma Abhay A. Bhave
    2. J. SpinalSurg.2011 January; 2(3): 469-473 a. Management of solitary plasmacytoma of spine b. ShradhaMaheshwari, SudhendooBabhulkar, P. S. Ramani, MD, AbhayBhave, MD,* Meenal Hastak, MD**
    3. Microcytic Hypochromic Anaemia in Sickle Cell Disease – Think Again! a. JAPI • June 2009 • Vol. 57, Page 479-80 AbhayBhave, VK Kulkarni, DN Bhattad, DP Upase, Aarti Mane, Colah Roshan, Khushnuma
    4. REVIEW ARTICLE, balancing efficacy and bleeding risk in the prevention of stroke due to atrial 8 fibrillation with newer oral anticoagulants. Indian journal of haematology and transfusion medicine, published online 28th july 2012 M. B. Agarwal, SubhashVerma, ManoranjanMahapatra, A. K. Tripathi, AbhayBhave, AnandDeshpande, AmitVora, Jamshed J. Dalal, A. B. Shah and S. Bichu
    5. Pure red Cell Aplasia in a patient with retroviral disease- Accepted for publication in JAPI 2011 DrDhirajBhattad, DrVrindakulkarni, , DrAbhaybhave
    6. Judicious Use of Blood Components in Clinical Practice, Abhay A. Bhave. API Text Book of Medicine. 9th Edition.
    7. Chapter on Agranulocytosis in Manual of Medical Therapeutics 3rd Edition
    8. Guest Editor- MAHIMA Journal June 2011 Haematology Section Head
    9. Efficacy and Safety of 1-2, Dimethyl-3-Hyrdopyrid-4-ONE (L1) as an oral iron chelator in patients with Beta Thalassaemia Major with iron overload. MB Agarwal, Ramnathan J, DE Massil, Samir Shah, GC Rajadhyaksha, AABhave JAPI, 1991,Vol 39:No 9: 669-672.
    10. Therapeutic aspects of flexible fibre-optic bronchoscopy – our experience of 1586 cases. Bhambure NM, Abhyankar NY,Dalvi SS, Bhave AA, Deshmukh SN, Shah AC.Lung India, 1991;IX:No 4:136-140
    11. Glanzmanns Thrombasthenia.MB Agarwal,UM Agarwal,C Vishwanathan, AA Bhave, V Billa. Indian Paediatrics, July 1992;Vol 29:837-841
    12. Double heterozygosity for haemoglobin S and E. C Vishwanathan, MB Agarwal,LS Bicchile, AA Bhave. Indian Paediatrics, July 1992;Vol 29:895-897.
    13. Thyroid dysfunction in multi-transfused iron loaded thalassaemia patients. MB Agarwal, S Shah, C Vishwanathan, GC Rajadhyaksha, AA Bhave, SR Dube,V Billa, G Malkan, K Bajan.Indian Paediatrics, August 1992;Vol 29:997- 1001. 9
    14. Anti-Nuclear antibody positivity in multi-transfused thalassaemia major. MB Agarwal, C Vishwanathan,SS Gupte, NG Desai,D Vasandani, AA Bhave. Indian Paediatrics, May 1992; Vol 29: 607-610.
    15. Thyroid function review. AA Bhave, ND Moulick, KP Chawla The Indian Practitioner, April 1992; Vol XLV: No 4: 304-308.
    16. Antibody to Hepatitis C virus in multi-transfused thalassemics- Indian experience. MB Agarwal, GH Malkan, AA Bhave, C Vishwanathan, V Billa, SR Dube, K Bajan, GC Rajadhyaksha, S Shah. JAPI, 1993; Vol 41:N0 4: 195-197.
    17. Anti-lymphocyte globulin therapy in acquired aplastic anaemia. MB Agarwal, UM Agarwal, AA Bhave, C Vishwanathan.JAPI ,1993; Vol 41: No 6: 371-373
    18. CMV mononucleosis syndrome – A case report. AA Bhave, M Chandy, TJacob John, D Dennison, S Christopher, A Sudersanam. Indian Journal of Paediatrics,1994 ; Sep-Oct, 61(5):584-585.

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