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UHAPO: Cancer Community Forum

Jha Kailash
Joined: May 18, 2022
Last seen: Jul 4, 2024
Topics: 0 / Replies: 65
RE: What is CAR-T Cell Therepy?

CAR-T cell therapy, or Chimeric Antigen Receptor T-cell therapy, is a groundbreaking form of immunotherapy used to treat certain types of cancer. This...

4 months ago
RE: Insights on report

It looks non-cancerous but always advisable to get FNAC done for the confirmation. Please speak with your doctor.

5 months ago
RE: What are the common metastatic sites for lung cancer?

Lung cancer commonly metastasizes (spreads) to various organs and tissues in the body. The most common sites for metastasis in lung cancer include:1. ...

8 months ago
RE: What is a multidisciplinary approach to treating lung cancer ?

A multidisciplinary approach to treating lung cancer involves collaboration among different medical specialties to provide comprehensive and integrate...

8 months ago
RE: What should we look out for in a hospital when deciding for our lung cancer treatment ?

When deciding on a hospital for lung cancer treatment, it's important to consider several factors to ensure you receive comprehensive and high-quality...

8 months ago
RE: How can we get a second opinion on our lung cancer treatment ?

Getting a second opinion on your lung cancer treatment is a common and often recommended practice. Here are some steps you can take:1. **Talk to Your ...

8 months ago
RE: What are the possible complications associated with breast cancer treatment ?

Breast cancer treatment can involve various modalities, and while advances have been made in improving outcomes and reducing side effects, there can s...

8 months ago
RE: Does finding a lump in your breast neccesarily indicates breast cancer ?

While finding a lump in the breast can be concerning, it does not necessarily mean it is cancer. Many breast lumps are benign (non-cancerous), and the...

8 months ago
RE: Can a mammogram cause or spread breast cancer ?

No, a mammogram itself does not cause or spread breast cancer. Mammography is a medical imaging technique used for breast cancer screening and diagnos...

8 months ago
RE: To what extent can breast pain be a symptom of breast cancer ?

Breast pain, also known as mastalgia, is a common symptom and is not usually associated with breast cancer. In fact, most cases of breast pain are unr...

8 months ago
RE: Is breast cancer contagious ?

No, breast cancer is not contagious. Breast cancer is a type of cancer that develops in the cells of the breast. It is caused by genetic mutations tha...

8 months ago
RE: How does menstrual and reproductive history affect breast cancer risks?

Menstrual and reproductive history can significantly influence a woman's risk of developing breast cancer. Several factors related to a woman's reprod...

8 months ago
RE: What kind of impact does stress have on breast cancer?

Stress is a complex and multifaceted phenomenon that can influence various aspects of health. While the relationship between stress and breast cancer ...

8 months ago
RE: What is the role of biomarker tests in staging breast cancer ?

Biomarker tests play a crucial role in the staging of breast cancer by providing additional information about the characteristics of the cancer cells....

8 months ago
RE: At what age should women start getting mammograms ?

The age at which women should start getting mammograms can vary based on different guidelines and individual risk factors. However, there are some gen...

8 months ago
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