Unveiling Shadows: Ms. Vandana Mahajan & Mr. Vivek Sharma Speak Out on Late Detection in Lung Cancer Vivek Sharma: My name is Vivek Sharma, and you are watching me on my YouTube channel where we discuss cancer. With me is Vandana Mahajan, who is herself a cancer survivor. She is also a cancer care counselor […]

Cancer Survivors Month – A Journey of Strength and Resilience Cancer Survivors Month is an annual observance held in June to honor and celebrate individuals who have faced cancer and survived. It is an observance held in many countries worldwide to honor and celebrate individuals who have overcome cancer and raise awareness about the challenges […]

National Cancer Survivors Day National Cancer Survivors Day is an annual observance celebrated on the first Sunday of June. It is a day dedicated to honoring cancer survivors, celebrating their strength and resilience, and raising awareness about the challenges they face. The purpose of National Cancer Survivors Day is to acknowledge the millions of people […]