Ovarian Cancer Awareness Ovarian cancer, which is commonly referred to as the “silent killer” is one of the hardest cancers to diagnose in its early stage. Since the signs and symptoms of the disease are often mistaken for other diseases, awareness is critical in diagnosing and managing the disease. It is crucial to note that […]

National Cancer Control: Promoting Prevention and Early Detection Cancer remains a significant global health challenge, with millions of lives affected annually. National Cancer Control strategies are crucial in combating cancer through prevention and early detection efforts. This blog post will delve into the core aspects of National Cancer Control that Uhapo Health Services is focusing […]

Uhapo Commemorates National Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month: A Call to Action for Early Detection and Prevention March marks a significant month in the health calendar – National Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month. It’s a time when communities, healthcare professionals, and our organization Uhapo Health Services come together to raise awareness about colorectal cancer, its prevention, and […]