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Uhapo offers you cancer related all information

Uhapo – An information and navigation platform all your cancer related needs

Uhapo – An information and navigation platform all your cancer related needs

Cancer is a leading cause of death worldwide, accounting for nearly 10 million deaths in a year, and if studies are to be believed, it may cause more than 18 million death every year in the coming 4-5 years globally. India is not immune to this rising menace. As per recent figures from the Government of India, more than 40 lakh cancer cases were reported and 22.54 lakh people died of the disease in the country between 2018 and 2020. And the most common cancers are- breast, lung, colon and rectum, and prostate cancers in India. Though much progress has been made in the diagnosis and treatment of cancer, however, a sound understanding of the underlying cell biology still remains an unsolved mystery.

The cost of cancer treatment is huge across the world, and so is the case here, which simply robs lakhs of people, besides taking away beloved members of the family. Apart from losing one’s loved one, one also loses one’s lifetime earnings within no time.

The biggest reason of this loss of life and earnings is late diagnosis. The late diagnosis of almost all types of cancer means- the disease has already spread much within the body, making it less treatable, reducing a patient’s chances of survival, and potentially increasing the cost of effective treatments.

This clearly means an enduring aim of cancer treatment is to pick up the disease as early as possible so that the treatment is more likely to be effective. Experts suggest, almost half of the cancer patients are diagnosed too late, which has huge financial and health repercussions. On the other hand, diagnosis and treatment of cancer at early stages may substantially reduce this burden. Even, the mean annual and cumulative healthcare costs through the year, are significantly higher among those diagnosed at later stages, besides depriving one of efficient treatment, improved patient outcomes, and reduced healthcare costs.

Now, we have multiple big hospitals almost across the country, where we can receive good treatment, and if diagnosed at an early stage, we may also get cured of this deadly disease, as these hospitals have sufficient modern wherewithals to deal with cancers of all kinds.

Moreover, a number of NGOs are also working in this field, helping scores of patients to get over this grave trouble, but we don’t know who to approach and how. The majority of the Indians are also not covered under any health insurance. Studies suggest, over 80% of Indians are still uninsured.

Besides, there are certain government schemes, which may also come to your rescue, but a majority of the patients and family members are also not aware of how they can benefit from government schemes.

The Ministry of Health & Family Welfare offers the Health Minister’s Cancer Patient Fund (HMCPF) under Rashtriya Arogya Nidhi, and funds are substantial if conditions are fulfilled. But, ignorance plays spoilsport here. Patients and their family members come to know about all these things when they have almost lost the case.

Finally, all accept the fact that if we find proper information about cancer, its symptoms, its stages, treatments, diagnosis centers, doctors, hospitals, NGOs, government schemes, and other required and relevant things, cancer can easily be treated with the utmost possibilities.

Now, cancer patients and their family members wouldn’t have to run from pillar to post in search of all the information, as ‘Uhapo’ provides them with all the required information. Moreover, Uhapo and CRSF also present the ‘Cancer Conclave’ on 4th February 2023. To attend the conclave, please register at – https://uhapo.co.in/CancerConclave where you can find experts’ advice, awareness, and clarity related to different domains and kinds of cancers.

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